Alpha behavior is NOT bad

There are a lot of guys out there sending conflicting information regarding what it is and isn’t to be “Alpha.” As in “Alpha Man” or “Alpha Male.”
alpha-menLet’s start right off by saying that “Alpha” behavior is NOT bad.

It is NOT what you see animals doing in their nasty time in the zoo. It’s NOT attacking a tribe and killing all the young or any weird stuff like that. Look, “Alpha” just means the dominant male (and sometimes the female) in a group.

It’s the one that is most likely to procreate and get its genes into the next round of the “Keep the species alive” game.

So it really does make sense to get successful with women if you think about it like this. If you don’t find a woman to mate with and create little teeny versions of you, then it all ends with you.

Do you deserve to have your genetic legacy carried on into the next generation? I hope so. And more importantly, I hope you believe so.

So don’t listen to a lot of this garbage and double speak out there regarding “Alpha Men” and what they should or should not be.

Here are a few things an Alpha IS:

  • Clever/smart/cunning
  • Ambitious
  • Excited
  • Honorable
  • Dominant (not aggressive, but demonstrating superior social skills)
  • Stable
  • Fit (healthy lifestyle)
  • Curious
  • Balanced
  • Natural

Here are a few things an Alpha is NOT:

  • Aggressive
  • Angry at women
  • Verbally abusive
  • Arrogant
  • Obnoxious

There seems to be some confusion (and most of it is created by other guys hoping to cash in on your confusion) about what it means to be a STRONG and persuasive man in today’s society.

I’m not even going to throw you more of that evolutionary stuff because it really doesn’t matter. When you think about it, it just makes sense that we want people who appear or demonstrate more social value than us. It’s because we naturally want to latch on to their power.

Again, it all comes back to power.

So being an “Alpha” doesn’t mean you’re dragging women back to a cave. Or that you’re being an aggressive, pushy jerk. Or that you’re being forceful and mean. Or that you’re inconsiderate. Or that you’re acting like a brutish animal.

It means that you understand the basic primal reasons a woman is attracted to a man, and you’re not afraid to BE a man. Not a cardboard, one-dimensional wimp that’s afraid to let women know he desires them.

If you’d like more information on how to approach and meet women, and have the kind of confidence you dream of with women, I encourage you to go look at my dating program discovering the Alpha Male Power.

P.S. We are living in an unsafe times. This program claims that we can finally learn the truth about Self-defense and protecting us and our family in the real life circumstances. Most of us doesn’t know much about these non-wanted extreme situations. You can read about it on this link.

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