Connect and Commit


Are you tired of the dating game already – always seeing lots of different people but never managing to get a committed and fulfilling relationship from one?

Have you ever made a New Year resolution, and then completely forgot about it? It is easy, however, to make a decision, but it is much harder to implement, because every change in life requires strong will, motivation, and accurate idea of what exactly do you want to achieve, and how.

Outlining the crucial moves helps the man to get out of his comfort zone and bravely face a number of opening possibilities. Every change brings new choices, in front of which we might feel insecure. In order to avoid the paralysis of decision-making, we need to define some rules and procedures that will be followed. Maybe it’s a regular visit to the gym, healthy breakfast, or walking with friends every Saturday…

But, let’s back to our subject. Most of the single men are looking for a partner to start a family with, to make mutual decisions, to split the sorrow on two parts and multiple the happiness by three … I think we all agree that this is an important goal that deserves the commitment and engagement.

If you want to take your search for love to the next level and really discover what it takes to get a committed relationship or take your current relationship to the next level of commitment, then you need to take a look at what Amy Waterman have got to share with you!

This 330+ page course is divided into 3 parts, as well as over 4.5 hours of audio, and a whole host of bonuses that will take you several steps closer to realizing your dream of a committed and fulfilling relationship.

If you are serious about:

–              Learning some facts and figures about commitment

–              Understanding the stages of commitment

–              Discovering what commitment means to you and your partner

–              Knowing if this is the person you want to commit to

–              Getting the right mindset for commitment

–              Mastering the magic of romance

–              Knowing what to do when reality hits

–              Surviving the power struggle in your relationship

–              Deciding how and whether you should stick with the relationship

–              Choosing a conscious relationship


… then Amy’s “Connect And Commit” is going to change your love life, starting in this moment!

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